December 10, 2024February 24, 2025Event-Driven Architecture, Software ArchitectureBy Masoud ChelongarSoftwareArchitecture Orchestrated Event-Driven Architecture – Mediator Topology Orchestrated Event-Driven Architecture (OEDA) or Mediator EDA is a design pattern used in distributed systems to manage and coordinate events between services or components. It uses
June 5, 2024February 26, 2025Event-Driven Architecture, Software Architecture, Software DevelopmentBy Masoud ChelongarSoftwareArchitecture Brokers & Queues – The Backbone of Event-Driven Architecture It is around a decade that many firms , because of complexity in business , tight competition with competitors and emerging new
February 4, 2024March 11, 2025Event-Driven Architecture, Software ArchitectureBy Masoud ChelongarEventDrivenArchitecture, SoftwareArchitecture Event-Driven Architecture – Everything Worth Knowing Event-Driven Architecture or EDA is one of the most popular and attractive distributed software architectural pattern. There are many reasons to make